by Rick Quax | Apr 5, 2018 | Hot News, News
ADS Coffee & Data offers the opportunity for researchers and business to share their knowledge and give insight on a central theme, specifically in the morning of Thursday 29 March this was on Data Science in the Urban Analytics domain. Here, Jurjen presented his...
by Rick Quax | Mar 20, 2018 | Hot News, News
Figure: 4 dimensional (Kolmogorov-forward) probability density P of one single FX rate The research article “Efficient exposure computation by risk factor decomposition” by Kees de Graaf, Drona Kandhai and Christoph Reisinger was published in...
by Rick Quax | Mar 16, 2018 | Hot News, News
We are looking for two PhD students to work within the project ‘Understanding fundamental causes and effects of socio-economic inequalities in health using a systems science approach’, funded by ZonMw. This is a collaboration between the Academic Medical Center, the...
by Rick Quax | Feb 12, 2018 | Hot News, News
Rick Quax was recently awarded a one-year fellowship in the Institute of Advanced Studies. As one of 9 appointed Fellows he will be responsible for building bridges between the many different disciplines that visit IAS with complex problems, such as financial...
by Rick Quax | Feb 12, 2018 | Hot News, News
Peter Sloot was interviewed by Folia Magazine about the Indian slum project where data was collected about the living conditions in a sample of 36 real slums. Why? “Before we can help them we need to understand them.” The project is a joint effort...
by Rick Quax | Feb 2, 2018 | Hot News, News
Ph.D. candidate Marcel Boersma visited the Finexus conference in Zurich during 17-19.01.2018. He presented a poster there, which is shown below, proposing a method to construct financial statement networks from journal entry data to visualize the organizational...