Paper published in Journal of Computational Physics on “Data-driven reduced-order modelling for blood flow simulations with geometry-informed snapshots”

Dongwei Ye, Valeria Krzhizhanovskaya, and Alfons Hoekstra published a paper in Journal of Computational Physics on "Data-driven reduced-order modelling for blood flow simulations with geometry-informed snapshots" Parametric reduced-order modelling often serves as a...

VR tool for the treatment of children with selective mutism

The Visualisation Lab, together with researchers and therapists from Stichting Steun Emma Kinderziekenhuis, Amsterdam UMC, and Levvel have started a crowd funding campaign to help them develop a VR tool for children who are too afraid to talk. For more information and...

Simulating blood clot beginnings

Christian Spieker, Gábor Závodszky & Alfons Hoekstra have published a new paper in Physics of Fluids that became a featured article and was published in combination with a Scilight article.

Image-based flow simulation of platelet aggregates under different shear rates

Yue Hao, Gábor Závodszky & Alfons Hoekstra have published a new paper in PLOS Computational Biology on building image based simulations of platelet aggregates.

Loes Crielaard awarded Ph.D. ‘cum laude’

Loes Crielaard successfully defended her Ph.D. an the Agnietenkapel and was even awarded the Ph.D. 'cum laude'. This distinction is awarded exceedingly rarely in our field. For more details, see the news article.

Group Mission

We live in a highly connected and strongly coupled world, and are surrounded by a large diversity of complex systems. All these systems have one thing in common: they process information. We aim to understand this information processing in such dynamic multi-level complex systems.


“Nature is a Complex System that processes information. Computational Science aims to make the complexity of those systems tractable.”