Bifurcations in corals and neurons are planar

In an international research project Nol Chindapol and Jaap Kaandorp (Section Computational Science, University of Amsterdam) in collaboration with researchers from the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology have compared branching patterns in corals and neurons....

CO2 is messing with coral skeletons

For her master research project, Lotte Huisman (graduate Limnology and Oceanography, Section Computational Science, IvI), was part of an international scientific team that carried out the world’s first analysis of the impact of ocean acidification on every gene in the...

De rekenregels van de natuur

Radio interview with Peter Sloot on Dutch national radio (in dutch). Peter Sloot was 31 juli 2011 te gast in Labyrint radio, tussen 20.00 en 21.00 uur op Radio 1. De uitzending is terug te beluisteren op:...