Alfons Hoekstra participates in the Londen Science Museum IMAX event on September 27th 2017 dedicated to the virtual human. This event is part of the Science Museum Lates series. The hour-long feature will describe recreating a human being in silico, including an IMAX video composited on the Marenostrum supercomputer. The video will show stunning simulations on aspects of computational biomedicine using supercomputers, including Hemocell based virtual blood simulations, with impresive visualisations created by Paul Melis from SurfSara. Alfons Hoekstra will also deliver a short presentation on virtual blood and more. This event is organized by the CompBioMed project, a Centre of Excellence in Computational Biomedicine, to nurture and promote the uptake and exploitation of high performance computing within the biomedical modelling community. More information can be found here.