Introducing the COMPAT project

Introducing the COMPAT project The 3-year Horizon 2020 funded COMPAT project launched on October 1st 2015. The main motivation of COMPAT is the urgent need to push the science forward, and stay world leading in simulation driven science and engineering. Our ambition...

Documentary part of bird flocking

As part of the VPRO (TV Network) series on the ‘perfect human’ this was broadcasted June 10th 2015 on Dutch National Television. Here Peter Sloot uses the metaphor of bird flocks as an example of a complex system and the perturbation of complex systems...

Obituary John Holland

It is with great sadness that we let you know that John Holland, one of the founders of Artificial Intelligence and Complex System Science, passed away Sunday morning, 8 August 2015 in Ann Arbor Michigan, USA. John was a great original thinker who formulated and...

H. Tahir, I. Niculescu, C. Bona-Casas, R. M. H. Merks, and A. G. Hoekstra, “An in silico study on the role of smooth muscle cell migration in neointimal formation after coronary stenting,” J. R. Soc. Interface, vol. 12, no. 108, p. 20150358, 2015.

In a recent publication in The Royal Society Interface Hannan Tahir et all propose a hypothesis for the early onset of in-stent restenosis, and perform in-silico tests using a Cellular Potts Model, demonstrating that a deeper stent deployment results in on average...