by Rick Quax | Jun 17, 2019 | Hot News, News
In a publication in Science Robotics researchers from the Computational Science Lab, UvA (Fredrik Jansson and Jaap Kaandorp) and researchers from the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), EMBL, ICREA, Barcelona, Spain; the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain and the...
by Rick Quax | Jun 17, 2019 | Hot News, News
Perspective article on causation and modeling in climate A broad consortium of scientists from computational modeling, complexity science, ecology, causality inference, and various climate sciences. They came together during a workshop “Causality in Complex Systems”...
by Grace Millerson | Jun 6, 2019 | Hot News
On Wednesday 19 June Vivek Sheraton Muniraj will defend his thesis “The Emergence of Biofilms: Computational and Experimental Studies” Time: 12:00 Location: Agnietenkapel, Amsterdam
by Rick Quax | Apr 30, 2019 | Hot News, News
Credits: Dirk Gillissen Much of Coveney’s work lies at the interface of computer science, computational science, theoretical physics, chemistry, biomedicine and applied mathematics. He develops theories, algorithms, implementations and applications which run on many...
by Gabor Zavodszky | Mar 20, 2019 | Hot News, News
The research article “Red blood cell and platelet diffusivity and margination in the presence of cross-stream gradients in blood flows” was published by Gábor Závodszky, Britt van Rooij, Ben Czaja, Victor Azizi, David de Kanter, and Alfons G. Hoekstra in...
by Gabor Zavodszky | Mar 20, 2019 | Hot News, News
The Virtual Physiological Human institute released a video on in-silico medicine and the impact it has on the future of medicine. The video features Britt van Rooij, PhD candidate in the Computational Science Lab. Prof. Hoekstra, Prof. Sloot, and Dr. Zavodszky, all...