Rapid urbanisation and climate change exacerbate natural hazard risks worldwide, undermining humanity’s aspirations to achieve sustainable development goals (SDG). The (re)distribution of climate risks and the escalation of inequality due to climate change is a priority on the scientific and policy agenda. The SDGs highlight the importance of poverty (Goal1) and climate change (Goal13) individually. However, understanding the interaction between the two goals is paramount for achieving SDG targets by 2030.
This ASDI 2020 grant will enable a unique collaboration among dr. Debraj Roy (Assistant Professor at the Computational Science Lab, University of Amsterdam), Prof. dr. Tatiana Filatova (Multi-Actor Systems Department, TPM faculty at TU Delft), Prof. dr. Maarten van Aalst (ITC Faculty at the University of Twente, Director of the International Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre) and the Netherlands eScience centre. The team will advance the theory and methods to study the interactions between climate change adaptation and poverty traps. This research aims to develop methods that incorporate socioeconomic dynamics and provide new theoretical insights into social transitions. For example, under what conditions do climate shocks push households into potentially irreversible poverty traps? The project will form a solid basis for exploring poverty traps across a range of climate change adaptation cases.
Read more about all awarded researchers here: https://www.esciencecenter.nl/news/winning-proposals-asdi-2020-revealed-2/
Partner institutes: www.itc.nl and www.climatecentre.org.