Peter Sloot has best succeeded in bringing the results of ICT research to the attention of the general public. For this he has received the “I/O Award” at SIREN 2009.

Peter Sloot received the I/O Award 2009 for the media attention that he generated for his research in projects like Virolab, on better medication for HIV patients and Urbanflood, on the prevention of natural disasters.

The prize is awarded annually by the Division Physical Sciences of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). The prize amounts to 5000 euros and honours the best publicity on ICT research. The jury pays attention to clarity and interest of the contribution, the outreach and the interest of the ICT research underlying the contribution. Peter Sloot was present at SIREN 2009 to receive the prize from the hands of Louis Vertegaal, director of NWO Physical Sciences. Peter Sloot gave a presentation afterwards.